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Gigs Songs

David ~ Guitar


I first learned of the band when Brett Johnsen, a guitar instructor, mentioned a band he was working with called Jet Fuel Only.“That’s cool” I thought, but after that I didn't think about it much.

Then I saw the Chico Enterprise Record article in January of 2006 and thought that was AWESOME!

I found the website, and after looking at it over and over, I decided that I really wanted to be in the band. I was frustrated though, since I didn’t have any connection to the band.

I performed at the Farmer's Market in Chico and the Thursday Night Market regularly and kept checking out the Jet Fuel only website.

Two years later, I saw Sawyer at Chico Junior High. I knew who he was right away!

(I had memorized the names and faces of all the JFO members) He also was wearing a KISS T-shirt and only a SERIOUS ROCKER in a band would wear a KISS shirt!

We had a mutual friend Elijah, and he introduced us. I begged him to be in the band. Sawyer said yes. I came to a gig, and after that I talked to Mr. Goodson. I came to practice all week, and then got to play in a gig at Chico Junior High with Jet Fuel Only!


I have always wanted to be in a band, THIS band in particular!